Why should you book?
Glamorous Beauty Session
You are amazing. Gorgeous. Stunning. Unique. So why aren't there more pictures celebrating you? You are IMPORTANT. So precious to your family. Book this fabulous session to make amazing memories, and pass down legacy quality images to those who matter the most to you. You deserve this! And so do they.
Imagine this, you walk into the studio, the star of the show! You get your hair and make up done, and then it is play time! We play in your favorite outfits, along with the studio wardrobe. Trying on clothes, playing with different looks and having a blast! Afterwards, you walk out looking amazing and wearing a huge smile!
When you come back in for your session, your eyes go wide and as your pour over the images of a goddess that looks similar to the woman you see in the mirror. You look at the photographer, she assures you that is in fact you, and your smile pops up again. This is you, you ARE gorgeous! When your prints and wall art come in, every penny spent feels like it wasn't enough, you got the the deal of the century. These images belong in a museum.
You are Art.
You are SO worth it.
40/40 project
Glamorous Beauty Session
You are amazing. Gorgeous. Stunning. Unique. So why aren't there more pictures celebrating you? You are IMPORTANT. So precious to your family. Book this fabulous session to make amazing memories, and pass down legacy quality images to those who matter the most to you. You deserve this! And so do they.
Imagine this, you walk into the studio, the star of the show! You get your hair and make up done, and then it is play time! We play in your favorite outfits, along with the studio wardrobe. Trying on clothes, playing with different looks and having a blast! Afterwards, you walk out looking amazing and wearing a huge smile!
When you come back in for your session, your eyes go wide and as your pour over the images of a goddess that looks similar to the woman you see in the mirror. You look at the photographer, she assures you that is in fact you, and your smile pops up again. This is you, you ARE gorgeous! When your prints and wall art come in, every penny spent feels like it wasn't enough, you got the the deal of the century. These images belong in a museum. You are Art. Book your session. You are SO worth it.