The Motherhood Project

The Motherhood project started out as a way for me to honor my own mother, Juanita S. Cox, who had passed away many years before. I wanted to ensure that everyone, but for this, especially moms, have images and stories that they can share and pass down to their loved ones. We live on through our stories, and we are remembered through our photographs. I started interviewing moms for my gallery project in February, and eventually, I had enough women willing to share these intimate, personal parts of themselves to do the gallery. On June 28th, in partnership with the Martin Arts, and with the support of many local businesses, I put on a very successful gallery experience, to positive and glowing reviews. People have been contacting me since that time to tell me what it meant to them and find out when the next one would be. Several people read my mind, and even started asking for a book, so they could continue to share in the experience.

That leads us to now. I am expanding the project into a book. I need more quality stories, and women willing to share them and allow themselves to be photographed. When I have 50 quality images and stories to present, I will submit it for publishing. The goal is a publishing house will accept it, but I have decided that it will be published, because I believe so strongly in it, even if I have to foot the bill myself.

If you would like to tell your story, the way you want it told, and be photographed the way you want to be seen, and you would like to see it in print, consider booking a free consultation to find out more.

The project is participant funded, meaning I use the session fee and any prints that you might purchase to pay for it. However, I do discount the session fee as a thank you for the use of your story and image.

I intend to include a published book at least in paperback, as well as soon as the project is completed.

So there you have it. This is a unique opportunity, but it will not be available for long. If you would like to support the project or be a part of it, please contact me at 864-263-8591 or 772-210-6917

Thanks for reading!


Joanna Lee Kilgore

Professional promotional image for The Motherhood Project photo sessions.

the Motherhood Project by JoLee Art and Photography

To see some of the images and stories from the gallery experience, check out my blog at

Azlina and her daughter

Christine Sell

Call 772-210-6917 to learn how you can help sponsor these important projects and promote your business!