The Women of Wisdom or W.O.W Project: Silver & Gold
The W.O.W. Project: Silver & Gold is the final gallery in my "Celebrate Beauty Earned" Series. We started with women over 40, with the phrase I wrote, "We don't mourn a beauty lost, but instead celebrate the beauty earned." It was all about forgetting about comparing ourselves to our younger selves and instead being grateful for all that we have been through to make us the incredible women that we are today. At that gallery show, I asked the women involved to write a small blurb about the experience, some shared a little, some wrote it like a review, and some shared some really intimate reasons why it was so important to them. I found that the gallery attendees really resonated with the personal stories.
This story telling concept with the images led me to create the Motherhood project, where I asked the participants to share whatever personal story about themselves that they wanted to. We had a huge variety of results, but the feedback was overwhelmingly positive. For this project, rather than ask the women to dig deep and share personal stories, I decided I wanted to know what nuggets of truth they would love for future generations to know, based off their own experiences. They will be sharing those wisdoms at the final gallery show.
The details are still to be decided, but the project is now underway. I want to photograph women 55 and older, listen to their stories and learn what they feel is the wisest lesson they can pass on. I have a few surprises I will be including in the gallery as well. If you would like to be photographed beautifully and celebrated for your wisdom and beauty, I would love to interview you for my project. This project is participant supported, meaning I use the session fees and and any prints you might purchase to help fund my project, as well as my community and charity projects. You will receive $100 off my normal session fees if you decide to participate in the project and allow me the use of your image and quote. please call me at 772-210-6917 to find out more.
Thanks for reading! I hope to chat soon.
Joanna Lee Kilgore